By Admin
February 4, 2018
Not every worker who is injured on the job needs to hire a workers’ compensation lawyer in Charleston. If you have a claim that is straightforward and not being disputed by the insurance company or the employer, then there is a good chance you can handle things on your own. For example, you could suffer a relatively minor injury at work that heals up completely with minimal treatment, you probably won’t need to hire Maroney, Williams, Weaver and Pancake Law Firm. Employers and insurance companies are unlikely to dispute claims that involve injuries that are clearly work-related, don’t involve long periods of time missing work, injuries that aren’t permanent in nature and injuries that don’t require extensive medical treatment. Say you sprain your ankle at work when you slip on water in the employee kitchen. You go to the doctor and they tell you to keep ice in it, take over-the-counter pain relievers and stay off of it for a few days and you will be fine. You sit at a desk all day so you don’t even need to take time off work. In a week or two, your ankle is as good as new and you are feeling great. Unfortunately, it isn’t always this simple. That slip could have been much worse. Maybe instead of a sprain, you actually tore some tendons and might need surgery. And instead of ice and Advil, your doctor puts you in an ankle cast and on prescription pain medication. This type of injury requires you to stay in bed for several days and you will miss at least several weeks of work because you don’t have a desk job, your job requires you to be on your feet all day. To make matters worse, the insurance company has denied your claim. Now is the time you need to hire a workers’ comp lawyer. Here are other reasons when an attorney is necessary.