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Admin • April 3, 2019

There are literally hundreds of websites devoted to people who wish to represent themselves in court. The vast majority of people in the United States have access to the internet and many people scroll Google looking for information about representing themselves in criminal, divorce and workers’ compensation cases.

The fact is that while some people might effectively represent themselves in a few cases, you should still strongly consider speaking to an attorney. In fact, you should hire an attorney. Maroney, Williams, Weaver and Pancake, your workers’ compensation lawyers in Charleston, offers some very strong reasons why you should never go to court all alone.

West Virginia's Law Firm for Injured Workers | Charleston, WV | Maroney, Williams, Weaver & Pancake, PLLC

Too Much Television

Don’t trust what you see on television shows. Sure, you have watched countless episodes of Law & Order, Judge Judy and Brooklyn 99, but this hardly makes you an expert in law.

Even if your law background includes episodes of Boston Legal, The Practice and Better Call Saul, don’t expect the judge to drop all of the charges against you because you questioned the police’s interrogation method.

You Don’t Know the Court’s Quirks and Preferences

No doubt you have seen a television show or movie, My Cousin Vinny comes to mind, in which a lawyer finds themselves in an unfamiliar courtroom in front of a judge they don’t know and things never go right for them.

An experienced attorney knows the judges they deal with by name and understand what each judge expects in their courtroom.

You, on the other hand, don’t know anything about the judge or the manner in which you are expected to go about your proceedings. Leave all of that to an experienced attorney.

It’s Faster

In most jurisdictions, people who have attorneys are heard before everyone else. This means that if you have an attorney, you won’t have to sit there listening to all of the court cases in front of you. This is especially problematic if your name is Zack Zain.

The Judge Won’t Like It

Even though you have every right to represent yourself in court, the judge won’t like that very much. In fact, don’t be surprised at all should the judge advise you to think twice about representing yourself.

It’s not that the judge likes you or is looking out for what is in your best interest, not at all. The judge knows that there will be more time spent on having to explain things to you. That’s right, you will slow things down, and nobody is going to like or appreciate that.

Your Head Will Spin

So you decided to go pro se, but you don’t even know what that means. While you can spend some time online looking up and memorizing court terms, there will be plenty you never get to.

You might learn what citation, motion and petition mean, but you failed to learn about pretrial conference, deposition and arraignment.

If you are going to court for a workers’ compensation case, it will benefit you to hire an attorney. Call Maroney, Williams, Weaver and Pancake today.

By Admin June 12, 2020
If you have been injured on the job, you might be wondering if it is worth the money and effort to get a lawyer. The answer is these cases is almost always a resounding yes. You should be very wary of going to court without proper representation. Workers’ compensation is basically an insurance program designed to cover medical costs of workers who have been injured on the job. If you are unable to work, you should also be compensated for the time off due to injury. Most of these programs are run by the state and vary in what they cover and don’t cover. The laws can be quite confusing and the paperwork can be complicated. This is why it is probably a good idea to hire an attorney. The Law Firm of Maroney, Williams, Weaver and Pancake, your law firm in Charleston, offers the reasons why it is a good idea to hire a workers’ comp lawyer. 
Construction Worker Fall Accident | Charleston, WV | Maroney, Williams, Weaver & Pancake, PLLC
By Admin October 14, 2019
There are people who get up in the morning, shower, eat a bowl of Fruit Loops and head out to a job that is dangerous. This means that they put themselves at risk of an injury to bring home a weekly paycheck. Brave souls they are. One of the most dangerous jobs in America is being a truck driver. And since there are a whole lot of truck drivers in the country, they account for many of the job injuries. Maroney, Williams, Weaver and Pancake, your worker’s compensation lawyers in Charleston, offer you this list of the most dangerous jobs in America.
Lawyer's Office | Charleston, WV | Maroney, Williams, Weaver & Pancake, PLLC
By Admin October 14, 2019
Accidents can be pretty common at work. Someone might break an arm falling from a ladder while someone else tweaks their back while lifting a heavy object. And there is the person who suffers from carpal tunnel syndrome as a result of decades of typing. These are three fine examples of injuries that can happen at work. They are also three examples of situations in which an attorney should be consulted. A workers compensation lawyer can help workers who are injured on the job recover compensation for their injuries, including lost wages and medical bills. In theory, getting compensation for injured workers should be easy, but that is just not the case. You need help navigating the system. Maroney, Williams, Weaver and Pancake, your workers comp lawyers in Charleston, offers the reasons you should hire a workers compensation attorney.
Married Couple Figurine | Charleston, WV | Maroney, Williams, Weaver & Pancake, PLLC
By Admin July 24, 2019
Congratulations on entering into that legally recognized lifetime union otherwise known as marriage. In all likelihood, you are bound to be swayed by the rose-colored glasses you put on right before you uttered the words “I do.” A prenuptial agreement is the last thing you are thinking about as you set sail into the waters of life. As you embark on this partnership that is supposed to last a lifetime, you are not thinking about the possibility that it could eventually all crumble. You are aware that the odds aren’t in your favor. With the divorce rate at nearly 50%, a betting man wouldn’t slap down hard cash on a bet that your marriage will last forever. Sorry, nothing personal, just the facts. If you are getting married, there are so many things that need to be done. You need to pick a song for your first dance together, decide the color palette and come up with the perfect words for your vows. Wait. There is one more thing you need to do before tying the knot; call your attorney. Discussing what will happen financially when you get married isn’t very romantic, but you should understand that money is one of the leading causes of stress in a marriage. Maroney, Williams, Weaver and Pancake, your law firm in Charleston, offers very valid reasons why you should seriously consider a prenuptial agreement.
Gavel and Hundred Dollar Bills | Charleston, WV | Maroney, Williams, Weaver & Pancake, PLLC
By Admin October 1, 2018
Getting compensation for an injury sustained at work should be a relatively easy task. In theory, it should be something you can do on your own without the need for an attorney. However, in the real world, claims are complicated and there is a lot of red tape to have to get through. After being injured on the job, you might feel you have nowhere to turn. You want to know your rights and you need an attorney who can explore those rights and determine what is right for you. Injured workers call on an attorney for many reasons. But there are some who are either afraid to talk to an attorney or aren’t convinced one would do them any good. Either way, it is a poor decision that could have a long and sad consequence. Maroney, Williams, Weaver and Pancake, workers’ compensation lawyers in Charleston, offers the reasons you need to hire a lawyer.
Injured Construction Worker | Charleston, WV | Maroney, Williams, Weaver & Pancake, PLLC
By Admin August 2, 2018
Workplace accidents can occur at any time. It is important that you know what to do after you have been hurt at work. When you get hurt at work, you might feel as though you have just been thrown into a situation that deals with laws you don’t quite understand. It’s true, there will be several issues to navigate. It starts with filling out forms and then it gets a lot more complicated from that point on. And even though no two situations are alike when it comes to work-related injuries, the steps you should follow will always be the same. Maroney, Williams, Weaver and Pancake, your workers compensation firm in Charleston, offer the steps you need to take if you get hurt at work.
Worker Holding His Shin | Charleston, WV | Maroney, Williams, Weaver & Pancake, PLLC
By Admin May 29, 2018
How people get hurt on the job is a major concern to insurance companies. People who get hurt on the job file under worker compensation laws and cost insurance companies a lot of money. So it seems quite obvious why insurance companies aren’t all that eager to pay you a fair price when you get hurt at work. Which is why it makes sense to call Maroney, Williams, Weaver and Pancake and hire a workers comp lawyer in Charleston should you get hurt at work. Now, those who work for construction companies or other jobs that require working on top of buildings or other high places or work dangerous jobs like cell tower repair technicians and the like are probably reading this very carefully. But it is less likely that your typical office worker will have much interest in an article about workers compensation. This makes sense as the odds of getting hurt at work go way down when you spend your days logging numbers into a computer or answering the phone while perched at your desk. Here is the deal: People who work in office environments aren’t immune from getting hurt at work. And while they may not sustain some of the injuries suffered by construction workers, they can hurt themselves nonetheless. Injuries occur from mistakes that could happen anywhere, even while sitting at your desk. You could get electrocuted by a faulty electrical cord, fall from a chair that has not been well-maintained or burned by a space heater. And as we continue to work longer work weeks and push ourselves beyond exhausted, the more susceptible we are to a workplace injury. Here are a few ways in which workers get hurt.
Lawyer with Formal Attire | Charleston, WV | Maroney, Williams, Weaver & Pancake, PLLC
By Admin February 4, 2018
Not every worker who is injured on the job needs to hire a workers’ compensation lawyer in Charleston. If you have a claim that is straightforward and not being disputed by the insurance company or the employer, then there is a good chance you can handle things on your own. For example, you could suffer a relatively minor injury at work that heals up completely with minimal treatment, you probably won’t need to hire Maroney, Williams, Weaver and Pancake Law Firm. Employers and insurance companies are unlikely to dispute claims that involve injuries that are clearly work-related, don’t involve long periods of time missing work, injuries that aren’t permanent in nature and injuries that don’t require extensive medical treatment. Say you sprain your ankle at work when you slip on water in the employee kitchen. You go to the doctor and they tell you to keep ice in it, take over-the-counter pain relievers and stay off of it for a few days and you will be fine. You sit at a desk all day so you don’t even need to take time off work. In a week or two, your ankle is as good as new and you are feeling great. Unfortunately, it isn’t always this simple. That slip could have been much worse. Maybe instead of a sprain, you actually tore some tendons and might need surgery. And instead of ice and Advil, your doctor puts you in an ankle cast and on prescription pain medication. This type of injury requires you to stay in bed for several days and you will miss at least several weeks of work because you don’t have a desk job, your job requires you to be on your feet all day. To make matters worse, the insurance company has denied your claim. Now is the time you need to hire a workers’ comp lawyer. Here are other reasons when an attorney is necessary.
Lawyer and Factory Worker | Charleston, WV | Maroney, Williams, Weaver & Pancake, PLLC
By Admin October 4, 2017
It’s something you probably don’t think about very often, if at all. But it is something that is important and needs to be addressed when it does happen. We are talking about what you should do if you happen to hurt yourself while you are at work. When you are the victim of a job-related injury, the first thing you need to do is seek immediate medical attention. Then, you need to do the things below.
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