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Congratulations on entering into that legally recognized lifetime union otherwise known as marriage. In all likelihood, you are bound to be swayed by the rose-colored glasses you put on right before you uttered the words “I do.”
A prenuptial agreement is the last thing you are thinking about as you set sail into the waters of life. As you embark on this partnership that is supposed to last a lifetime, you are not thinking about the possibility that it could eventually all crumble.
You are aware that the odds aren’t in your favor.
With the divorce rate at nearly 50%, a betting man wouldn’t slap down hard cash on a bet that your marriage will last forever. Sorry, nothing personal, just the facts.
If you are getting married, there are so many things that need to be done. You need to pick a song for your first dance together, decide the color palette and come up with the perfect words for your vows.
There is one more thing you need to do before tying the knot; call your attorney.
Discussing what will happen financially when you get married isn’t very romantic, but you should understand that money is one of the leading causes of stress in a marriage. Maroney, Williams, Weaver and Pancake, your law firm in Charleston, offers very valid reasons why you should seriously consider a prenuptial agreement.
Divorce is rarely anticipated and it is definitely the last thing on your mind on your wedding day. But if your marriage does end in divorce, a prenuptial agreement can make the divorce process less complicated as the division of assets has already been determined and agreed upon by both parties.
You might not think a prenup is a good idea, but your family members disagree. It would be such a shame if you had to hand over a huge chunk of money to your ex-spouse’s kids at the expense of your own children. A prenup could prevent this and keep your money in your family.
You might be going into the marriage debt-free, but that is not the case with your spouse. A prenup can ensure that your partner’s financial liabilities don’t follow you in the unfortunate event of a divorce.
A prenuptial agreement is like an insurance policy in many ways. It’s something you feel good having, you just hope you never have to use it. Just as you do when considering an insurance policy, you will want to prepare for a worst-case scenario.
You are a business owner and have been one for several years. In fact, you have owned your business longer than you have had a relationship with your future spouse. A prenup could save you from having to split your business or liquidate in the event of a divorce.
Prenuptial agreements aren’t only for those who have a lot of money. Prenups don’t just protect people who happen to have sizeable assets. People who are self-employed, who are marrying into debt and who have stock options that could potentially be worth quite a bit down the road can benefit from a prenup.
Maroney, Williams, Weaver & Pancake, PLLC maintains an active practice for matters of domestic relations in Charleston. The firm’s primary focus in this area of law is divorce representation in courtroom trials or through mediation negotiations.
We know that negotiating through a divorce can be financially difficult and emotionally challenging. Our legal counsel is guided by the goal of finding the most efficient and beneficial resolutions to any obstacles impeding your divorce settlement.
Contact our firm to reach a devoted attorney who will keep your best interests at the forefront of your divorce proceedings.
Address: 608 Virginia Street East Charleston, West Virginia 25301
Phone: 866-381-7900 | Local: 304-346-9629
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